Connecting Farmers
To Their Most Important Assets
Monitoring Tools To Keep Livestock Fed, Watered, and Healthy
We know farming
FeedLogic has over a decade of experience
Providing equipment and software targeted to agricultural production throughout the world.
Meeting the Challenge
FEEDLogic technology addresses the impending challenges facing livestock production worldwide.
Bin Inventory
Monitor Feed Levels
Innovative Solutions
We understand the challenges of farming and develop new solutions.
Automation Tools
Effective methods to manage processes remotely with fewer staff.
Inventory Management
Alert when feed levels are low and order needs to be placed with real time data.
Responsive Design
We recognize each customer is unique and respond with specific solutions.
Built-In Capabilities
Monitoring in a new and convenient way.
Targeted Use of Antibiotics
Allows for targeted use of feed-grade antibiotics and stricter compliance with the timing of application.
Intelligent Feeding and Farm Monitoring Solutions
FEEDLogic technology is a pioneer in the development of intelligent feeding and farm monitoring solutions which can provide producers with real-time monitoring and management of their farming operations. It offers a series of products which combine hardware and software technology to measure production processes and execute more precisely. Our products include FEEDPro for livestock research applications. MultiSense monitoring systems. FarmHub communication gateways and the FarmStreams web portal.